Peer to Peer Texting

Texting For Less Offers

Peer To Peer Texting

In addition to business automated text messaging, Texting For Less also offers p2p texting.

What Is Peer 2 Peer Texting?

It's a way to engage contacts in 1 to 1 conversations at scale while also ensuring TCPA compliance.

What Kind of Texts Can I send?

You can send both SMS and MMS (images, files & rich media) via P2P.

To Whom Can I send P2P Texts?

You can text anyone, as long it is not for commercial solicitation, and they have not already opted out of your conversation.

Perfect For Political Campaigns.

For the first time political campaigns can communicate with voters at scale, in an efficient way outside of the echo chamber of social media.

Communicate with your clients in the way they are communicating today!

Texting To Victory...

P2P texting has become a critical component of campaigns

From fundraising to "get out the vote" reminders, if you are not texting, you are behind the times.

Text Enable Your Campaign:

Let Texting For Less help to set up your campaign for texting. We will help find the best solution for your particular needs.

A non-intrusive way for a positive voter interaction with your campaign

Enjoy the Increase in Voter Engagement

Success with Texting:

From asking for donations, answering voter questions, sharing timely information, to collecting voter information, texting has proven to be the most robust and successful form of communication available to campaigns across the country.

Its how voters communicate:

You can expect 6% open rates with email. Nowadays, few people answers phone calls from numbers they dont recognize. But everyone reads their text messages. Its the goto form of communication in today's world. You can leverage this with your political campaign with Texting For Less.

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